If you really want to know someone, you need to know about their wildest dreams.

In mine, I’m a cowgirl in Montana. I spend my days chasing the horizon. My kids run wild, barefoot with tangled hair. There are bonfires and beers and everyone has horses. The mountains rise. The wind never stops. And when the sun sets? Everything is rose.

I’m Sara, a luxury portrait and brand photographer born, raised, and currently living in the South, North Carolina proudly and specifically. I’m most inspired by light and words, and the way they fall across everything.

Over the last decade, I’ve made personalized service and cultivated images that represent who you are and where you want to go, the cornerstones of my business. 
Getting to know you, witnessing your existence, capturing it on camera? Yea, that’s my dream, too.

Thanks for letting me live this one out. It means the most. 

At 37 I still wear crop tops, and plan to continue wearing them as long as I can get away with it. Hey, I may be old(er) but I’m not dead.

"Maroon" is my favorite song on Taylor's new "Midnights" album. There, I said it. If you send me an inquiry with yours, I’ll know we’re destined to be besties.

I’m living my best life when there’s live music, tall boys and tailgate Bojangles. 

I always introduce myself as Sara Coffin-like-the-box and I have way too much fun watching people's reactions when I say it.